Liz Dunoon
Liz Dunoon is a teacher and a mother to 3 children all with dyslexia. She is the author of 4 books including ‘Helping Children With Dyslexia’, the creator of the Speech to Spelling Code (STOS) and the video based on line tutoring program ‘The Ten Minute Tutor’(TTMT).
Liz has spent the last 15 years researching and studying dyslexia and Specific Learning Difficulties. She supports individuals, parents and teachers. She networks with dyslexia researchers, specialists and educators from around the world, researching new information and material and presenting it in such a way so parents, teachers and dyslexia specialist can utilise this knowledge in their own work and lives. Liz does this via her free resource websites; Get into Neurodiversity as well as www.dyslexiadaily.com , www.speechtospellingcode.com , www.thetenminutetutor.com and related social media pages. Her following is well over 200,000 parents, teachers and specialists worldwide and more than 10,000 individuals have completed her TTMT tutoring program.
Liz knows that with appropriate educational support, intelligent children with neurodiversity and Specific Learning Difficulties can shine. Adults with SpLd who experience success in life always report that a significant parent or teacher was their ‘champion’ and inspired them to overcome adversity, forge ahead and succeed. It is Liz’s intention to create more of these champions and in fact to have a champion in every school. Together with Jillian Zocher, a dyslexia specialist teacher, Liz has created the NESA accredited training course for educators, specialists and parents to ensure every child has access to a champion: Teacher Training for Students with Neurodiversity.
Her key word is ‘Transformation’. Being educated about SpLD is powerful – and a community of powerful people can bring about positive change for neurodiverse individuals.