Course Overview
In this course you will learn about evidence-based mathematical practice to assist your struggling learner. The checklist provided, will allow you to identify areas of difficulty and quickly learn how to consolidate mathematical concepts. This parent training offers key advice in assisting with long-term memory, processing speed, short-term and working memory difficulties. You will learn about the importance of developing a sense of number, chunking and key numbers, the concept of place value and metacognition. Whether your child is an ‘inch worm’ or a ‘grasshopper’ or struggles with maths anxiety, you will come away with multiple strategies to assist them.
- Gain a deeper insight into Dyscalculia
- Learn from a world renowned mathematics and dyscalculia expert.
- Learn about evidence-based practice in maths based on research.
- Understand the constellation of learning factors and their interconnectivity.
- Learn how to profile students with maths difficulties.
- Know which strategies benefit which students.
- Consolidate concepts you currently find difficult to teach.
- Help students across the age range.
- Understand the importance of dialogue.
- Use a checklist to identify the needs of struggling maths students.
- Improve your knowledge and confidence in dealing with maths difficulties.
- Have the confidence to refer students to further learning support.
- Offer multiple strategies to empower maths strugglers / dyscalculics.
- Understand how anxiety can impact on maths.
- 4 online, on demand highly engaging videos
- Practical examples on how to teach each maths concept
- A maths difficulties checklist for across the age range
- 21 simple strategies to help students catch up.
- A Support Strategies Booklet covering:
- 1. Generalisations
- 2. Patterns
- 3. Commutative Property
- 4. Number lines
- 5. Number sense
- 6. Estimation skills
- 7. Multiplication fact square
- 8. Number bonds to make 10
- Access to a full Chapter of Steve’s new edition of More Trouble with Maths
- A certificate upon completion
Consolidating concepts, why you need to gain perspective and help students to understand the constellation of mathematical learning factors and their interconnectivity. Steve further offers general advice on evidence-based practice.Summary
Numerical Stroop as well as a deeper understanding of the role of long-term memory, speed of working, working memory and sequencing in math.Summary
Research into dialogue, how children develop a sense of number and various strategies to gain a congruent sense of number and place value.Summary
How metacognition and subsequent cognition styles can be used to better understand a student’s mathematical difficulties, anxiety and success. This section includes a checklist to help you better understand the child’s mathematical needs.
Steve’s experience spans over forty years of work and research in special and mainstream education. In 1986, he founded, developed and built a specialist secondary school for dyslexic boys, a school which won major national awards. He is now an independent consultant, researcher and writer and has presented papers, contributed to conferences worldwide (over 30 countries) and delivers training courses for psychologists, teachers, parents and support assistants… See More…